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    Now Registering for Spring Webinar Series, 5 consecutive Saturdays 11-12:15pm ( or Fridays if consensus) Recieve class recordings on days you may miss.

    Investment: $275, you can use Klarna to pay over time

    Incentive: Earn $ and Learn, each referral+registration=$25

    Refer 3 registrants take the course for free or put the $75 in your pocket.. There is no cap on the commissions you can earn.

  • Becoming Wisdom Womban

    Prepare to unleash your favorite Soft, Wise and Authentic Self through an exploration into the Wisdom and Power of the Divine Feminine

    Wisdom Womban is my contribution to wide spread Divine Feminine Awakening and Epowerment.

    We will cover gems, nuggets and wisdoms around:

    *How the Feminine has been represented in our lives and families.

    *Dealing wisely with our Softness and Power

    *Where our true Power resides and arrises from

    *Creating a Life we can feel soft in

    *Inner Love, You are love- the Ocean need not seek water

    *The Art of Attractraction, Recieving, Magnetizing, Embodying, Revelling

    *Practices around Embracing our Intensity and Fierceness that make way for Softness

    *a Lifestyle of Glowing & Flowing in our Femininity

    This Womb Empowerment revolution is upon us. As we address harmfullness inequities and champion Feminine rights and protections so too must we be empowering and suring ourselves up from within. The not so obvious ingredient of neo-colonialism and toxic patriarchy is feminine buy-in and cooperation, and our lack of self awareness and desire for approval is oft times used against us. Please be clear, that our wisdom, empowerment and joy run antithetical to and interrupt these systems.

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    Wisdom 1: The Art Authenticity

    Being Your True Wise Self

    Identifying & Honoring:

    Your Inner Self

    Your Higher Self

    Your Femininity

    Your Sacred Rage

    Archetypes for Authenticity Awakening and Activating the True Self

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    Wisdom 2: The Art of Womb Connection

    Being born of Mother

    Your Femininity as an extension of the Mamas you come from.

    Those Mamas as an extention of Global Wombs


    Female Biological Superiority

    Your Moon Cycle & the Cosmic Womb

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    Wisdom 3: The Art of Relaxation

    Your Womb wants Comfort & Warmth

    The Art of Sacred Self Care

    Creating Coze

    Sacred Space


    Sacred Bathing

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    Wisdom 4: The Art of Nourishment

    Your Yoni wants Botanicals and Crystals


    Herbs & Teas

    Yoni Eggs, Yoni Oil

    The Art of Adornment

    Waistbeads and Anklets

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    Wisdom 5: The Art of Softness

    Your Heart Womb connection

    Divine Love

    Hearts Desire

    Sacred Sensuality

    Sensual Healing.

    Your Womb as a Sensual Organ

    Rhythmic Movement.

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    Initiate as Priestess into Yellow Lotus Womban's Wisdoms with Iya

  • Earn & Learn Incentive program & Register Now/ Pay over time

    We can earn and circulate abundance together whilst reclaiming our power. For each womban you refer to this program, who goes on to register, you will recieve $25 usd directly to your payment system of choice.

    Also I am offering this course with a "Buy Now Pay Later" option using Klarna, Affirm or Afterpay.

    The button below will take you to the registration page and there are QR codes below for easy sharing.

    Let's do this!

  • You're Instructress & Guide

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    Iya Mahaliya OyaDara

    Lotus Osun

    Course creator/ Guide

    Initiated Priestess, Student Midwife, Certified Abdominal/Womb & Fertility Massage Therapist, Het-Heru/Kemetic Yogini 400hr, Developer of FemBodyBliss Sensual Womb Vinyasa, Inner Lotus Werk and The Golden Womb Sacred Touch Technique™️

  • Sign up

    Spring Webinar

    5 consecutive Saturdays 3/22- 4/19

    11am est-12:15 pm

    (Fridays if majority prefer)

    Looking forward to seeing you!

    Registration plus Deposit for Full Practitioner Course

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    Full Certified Womb Wellness Practitioner Course Deposit



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    5 Week course or Full Day Workshop

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    I have now consolidated my trainings and certifications into one credential, Shamaati. A Shamaati has undergone Inner Lotus werk and Golden Womb Healing & Activation and has been trained to deliver both. A Yellow Lotus Shamaati continues to expand her knowledge and wisdom firstly being thoroughly trained by Mahaliya Oyadara Lotus Osun.

    The Yellow Lotus is used by shamana to provide visions and trances with strong hallucinogenic effect. It is said that those who survive the visions are given deeper insight into the world, able to communicate with the inner world in a way that rewrites their very physique and increases their stamina.

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    The Yellow Lotus is the only lotus native to "North America." The others are native to Africa, Asia and Australia.

    Lotus Flower symbolizes purity, strength, resilience and rebirth, representing transcendence of spirit over worldly matter.It is a sacred symbol in Hinduism and Buddhism, associated with the womb of the universe and the overcoming of adversity while maintsining purity of spirit.- (www.jamescressflorist.com)

    The Yellow Lotus is used by shamana to provide visions and trances with strong hallucinogenic effect. It is said that those who survive the visions are given deeper insight into the world, able to communicate with the inner world in a way that rewrites their very physique and increases their stamina.

    Yellow lotus seeds are antispasmotic and exert calming and relaxing effects that in turn help users to sleep better. It also improves the dialation processes of the blood vessels and immensely helps to alleviate anxiety and depression.- (lotus factory)

  • QR Codes for easy sharing

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    This Website

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    Directly to Webinar Registration

  • Womb Mother Conciousness

    "The Goddess endowed her power of Shakti into the womb of every female, willing her with her most potent Inner Medicine to nurture, nourish and heal A woman's Shakti has the power to give life, create art, nourish and keep life in a state of equanimity. This phoenominal force is the axial power of a woman. Once known, it teaches you how to care for your body, nourish your sexuality, respect your emotions and intuitions and honor your spirit. Your Shakti is the luminous energy that gives rise to your maternal authority-reproducing life, nourishing nature's food, and inspiring the universe's continually changing rhythyms. This feminine energy controls the musical throb of the heartbeat and sustains the ultimate nectar of life carried in the womb. The Shakti provides the necessary generation of energy for the ongoing cycles of life to continue."

    "You will reconnect to the Mother Consciousness when you realize that they pathway to your female wellness comes through your Shakti."

    "The lessons of the Yoni are about unearthing your feminine prowess through healing your feminine fragility. For this you need to employ deep self-care. Knowing the yoni to be the gareway of the inner temple within, you must endeavor to safegaurd it at all levels of your being. Caring for the physical sanctum, repleninshing the womb in its inner sanctuary, reconnecting with lunar rhythyms and performing the rites and ceremonies that safeguard sacred yoni are necessary if you are to remember your Shakti Power."- Swamini Maya Tiwari, Wise Earth

    Shamana acts as the balm that rejuvenates and restores the balance

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