I have now consolidated my trainings and certifications into one credential, Shamaati. A Shamaati has undergone Inner Lotus work and Golden Womb Healing and has been trained to deliver both. A Yellow Lotus Shamaati continues to expand her knowledge and wisdom firstly being thoroughly trained by Mahaliya Oyadara Lotus Osun.
The Yellow Lotus is the only lotus native to "North America." The others are native to Africa, Asia and Australia.
Lotus Flower symbolizes purity, strength, resilience and rebirth, representing transcendence of spirit over worldly matter.It is a sacred symbol in Hinduism and Buddhism, associated with the womb of the universe and the overcoming of adversity while maintsining purity of spirit.- (www.jamescressflorist.com)
The Yellow Lotus is used by shamana to provide visions and trances with strong hallucinogenic effect. It is said that those who survive the visions are given deeper insight into the world, able to communicate with the inner world in a way that rewrites their very physique and increases their stamina.
Yellow lotus seeds are antispasmotic and exert calming and relaxing effects that in turn help users to sleep better. It also improves the dialation processes of the blood vessels and immensely helps to alleviate anxiety and depression.- (lotus factory)