• The Honeygoddess Golden Womb Shamana Healing Technique

    Developed by Priestess Shamana Mahaliya OyaDara Lotus Osun (Kenya)

    Certified Abdominal Womb & Fertility Massage Healer

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    Promotes Womb Vitality as a compliment to your Clinical Gynecologist care,

    Most womben see their Gyn once a year unless there is disease or infection. Just for a moment consider how much a more preventative approach could assure the well being of you and your loves ones.

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    Healing, Nourishing and Preventative for Everyone, not just those who suffer from disease.

    The Overwhelming Positive effects of Shamana Womb Healing cannot be overstated. I recommend a session at least at the turn of every season.

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    Addresses Depression, Fibroids, Endmetriosis, Infertility and Hormonal Imbalance.

    Less PMS, Cramps & Constipation

    Attunes and soothes the energy field, calls in Ancestress healing as well as as that of the Goddesses of Divine Love, Womb Healing and Transformation. Clears and Nourishes the Uterus and Abdominal Organs by bringing circulation and fresh blood flow.

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    Soothes Ligaments and Relieves tired low back and hips.

    Often the pressure we experience in our bodies is due to fallen/stagnant organs and weak flaccid muscles which can lead to poor posture which in turn stresses the organs even more. 

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    Reduces Constipation, Adbdominal Fat and Bloating

    Dr. John Lee (author of Hormonal Balance made simple) says that hormonal health starts in the digestive system. Golden Womb Shamana Healing encourages elimination/detoxification. So many feminine issues stem from poor elimination.

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    HoneyGoddess Mahaliya Dara

    is an Initiated Shamana Priestess and Student Midwife and Professionally trained in Comprehensive Massage Therapy for a Clinical Setting including the study of Therapeutic massage and bodywork and anatomy and physiology, pathophysiology, medical conditions and the clinical application of Medical Massage.

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    Book your Golden Womb Shamana Healing Session

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  • Golden Womb Shamana Healing is a Full Body Deepening, Energetic, Sound Bathing, Aromatherapuetic, Herbal Warm Oil Massage Experience

    Some benefits of the Golden Womb Shamana Healing Warm Oil Sacred Touch

    Emotionally balancing Removes physical and mental fatigue Lifts and shifts stagnant energy

    Increases feelings of well being and comfort Strengthens the Body

    Induces long restful and undisturbed sleep Relieves muscle aches

    Rejuvenates Tissues Anti aging for the skin Addresses Inflammation Supports lymphatic circulation

    Softens skin Boosts Immune response Promotes wound healing Reduces stretch marks

  • The Healing benefits of Warm Castor Oil

    Dr. David Williams, an Alternative Health Practitioner, says that once Castor Oil goes through the skin, it delivers the following effects:

    Increases the blood's lymphocyte count as a result of the oil's positive effect on the lymphatic tissue or thymus gland.

    Enhances Lymph flow all through the body.

    Accellerates toxin removal from the cells.

    Decreases the size of swollen Lymph nodes.

    Improves the overall health and function of all organs.

    Reduces fatigue and depression.

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  • Golden Womb Yoni Steam


    1.) Detoxifies the Uterus✨

    2.) Regulates irregular or absent menstral cycles✨

    3.) Can decrease Menstral flow if there is extremely heavy flow. ✨

    4.) Heals infections especially bladder and yeast and soothes inflammation. ✨

    5.) Balances Vaginal pH ✨💛✨

    6.) Increases Libido due to increased blood flow to the Vagina and clitoris

    7.) Increased confidence and connect to Divine Center and Femininity

    8.) Boosts Immune system and digestive health.

    9.)Rids the body of negative energy associated with trauma.


    Monthly Golden Yoni~Womb Steam combined with a Loving and Peaceful disposition, a weekly Sacred Movement/ Yoga practice, proper nutrition and hydration provide a Great foundation for a Happy Goddess Body ✨ 

    The Mahaladara Lifestyle

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  • Enroll in Golden Shamana Womb Healing Training and Initiation

  • I am now offering Book Now Pay Later using Klarna, Afterpay and Affirm!

    And also Buy Now Pay Later for all products!