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Physiologically speaking
I have indeed watched porn a few times in my life.
Thatโs a BIG rush of information and firing off of hormones/ chemical messages.
Porn is most likely overstimulating and floods the body and mind with subtle substances that then need to be processed or facilitated throughout the system. Much like how eating โjunk foodโ can overstimulate the system and cause a lack of desire or appreciation or ability to interpret the taste of and appropriately process actually nutrient rich foods. Overtime the overstimulation can contribute to desensitization or a dulling of the senses. This leads to needing to experience more intense and extreme stimuli in order to simple "feel" anything at all. This can easily led to Sexual addiction and dysfunction.
Innergetically speaking (see what i did there lol)
Porn likely invites something of the innergies of those observed into the consciousness of the observer. This can easily leave a sort of residue which the observer then in turn brings into their sexual encounters with others.
Soulistically speaking
Because of the intensely receptive nature that the intimacy of sex puts the mind and physiology in, taking in such imagery can effect our capacity for true soul intimacy with self and others.
We are really seeking something that our heart wants and needs and that is Unconditional Real Love. Itโs the vital nutrient we ALL NEED and yet what we mostly donโt admit to or talk about. Sex, Power, Pleasure, Safety (forms of Imitation Love) become what we chase in order to fill the void.
Celibacy (extended Sacred Pause)
As I have been on my path of awakening and unfolding, which has unexpectedly included a few years of celibacy, I have felt SO MUCH MORE in tune with innergy. I'm honestly JUST NOTICING that I'm celibate and so DEFINETLY this is the first time I've said it out loud lol.
I believe it's been 3ish years. I'm not even counting which is wild.
What I can say is that I have felt more connected to my intuitional and instinctive self and more content, at ease and inwardly peaceful than ever.
I feel that i will be very clear when its time to engage in Sacred Sex with a lover.
At one point in the couple of years, i felt so tired of people that i didnt find attractive, "coming on" to me; lol not a high point in my Spiritual development for sure lol. Anyway, so i kind of wished that out of some of these people that were approaching me that i would also find someone attractive. Well, as in every case in my life, if i put it 'out there' it's gonna manifest (its the Law, Universal Law).
So a sufficiently handsome man showed up in my world and I immediately 'knew' this was what i had put 'out there' coming home to roost lol. I had this seemingly instant awareness that this man was attracted to me and that i could likely have my way with him...whink whink.
By this time, i had likely been celibate for a year and half or so maybe. The attraction was there for sure and i was in my head like, "we could have tea, he's not my person, but its nice to have good looking things around, this could be nice." I imagined how it would go, what we'd talk about etc. People who care about me were excited about the idea of me having some measure of companionship. I did not feel clear about initiating connection with him, so i knew that i would not do that. I knew that i would not make the first move but that I would liekly be receptive if he wanted to be in space together for something lite like tea. So one rising, i awakened and felt something like 'his presence' in the room/bed with me and i felt immedialtely nauseous. I was nauseous for about 2 days. What i 'recieved' from that instinctive intuitional cue from my body was that i did not want his energy in 'intimate' space with me. Its as if my body (my very chemicals) was saying NO to what i was entertaining mentally.
It was then that a sort of "spell" that i had put myself under was broken and i could then see clearly. I could see that if he and I spent time together that he would probably be drawn into me, but turns out that my "intimate space" is actually Not Available (which i wasnt really honoring becuase logic might say, why not?) as there is a Special someone who occupies my heart. I could Clearly see that i would have pulled away and sought to deflect any intimacy that this person might attempt. I could clearly feel how that would be exhausting for me and confusing and frustrating for him. Was even wanting to experience this attraction and then fantasizing about it a form of porn? hmmm...
I then saw a clear picture of a courtroom type seen where his Ancestors were questioning my intentions with their progeny lol. Can you even imagine that my answer would be that i wanted to have something "nice looking" around so i manifested him. What in the entire Hell? I sobered up so quickly lol.
Inner Work did the Thing!
I'm so thankful that I had the presence of mind to heed the messaging that my gut was giving me and to not act until/unless I felt crystal clear. Wheww I dodged the bullet of my own gun (insert hands covering eyes emoji)
I can truly say that having Inner Landscape work as a tool has made all the difference. Practicing paying attention, knowing how to use the information that I'm recieving internally and from the external world.
As a result of having had this experience, I can now so clearly see how i had ignored cues in the distant past and then involved myself in a world of chaos. I imagine Many of us are having some of these same experiences and ending up quite confused, but also maybe ending up married and with children. Yikes!
Anyway so this experience was quite an eye opener and I no longer give in to want of having "cotton candy" around (even for a moment) in place of the Real Nutrification that Heart and Soul connection bring.
Also it took that experience for me to really see that I'm not AVAILABLE and to honor that my Heart is Full of Love and that my Divine Mate is in there with me. I know him. I know his Soul. I've experienced his Resonance and Touch. I'll for sure KNOW when HE is PRESENT. Especially as long as i am PRESENT and CLEAR and in my OWN GLORIOUS RESONANCE. It's quite AMAZING actually.
Sacred Sexuality, Self Care and Higher Consciousness
It's Sacred Sexual Self Care to honor and to pay attention to ourselves deeply especially around the things of intimate connection. Paying attention to our feelings and emotions, our bodies, agency, sensuality and sexuality.
It's Sacred Sexual Self Care when we see what's going on in our hearts and dont just let our mind and logic bully our subtler senses.
It's Sacred Self Care when we clear ourselves of the energy of a lover before we engage with another so that we are not just a cesspool of random energies.
In the Sacred Arts, it is widely known that by observing Sacred Pause (celibacy,fasting)and by ritualizing and bringing sacredness and consciousness into the things of our most primal urges such as food and sex, we experience and increase in higher consciousness and refinement. Therein the possibilities for Bliss in all areas of life increase. Touch feels more effervescent, color more visceral and food tastes exhilarating.
In summary
What does this have to do with porn?
Porn gives us a miniscule junk food cotton candy imitation taste of pleasure which can actually dull our ability to recognize, process and appreciate genuine loving sensuality and connection.
โYou canโt get enough of what you really donโt want.โ~ a wise saying in the recovery communityโฆmore on this to come
This is an informational article, not moralizing on porn. If you choose to watch porn, then do so with full consciousness and be fully aware of the state you're in and the states your traverse as you have your experience. Also notice how you feel afterwards.
We can practice Aligning with the Bliss of REAL Heart and Soul connection and Healing through authentic Inner work and in so give ourselves the best chance at Real Love, true exctasy and fullfilment.
I hope this sets someone FREE
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